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Discipleship is important.

But how 'do' you do discipleship?

We aim to help you by finding answers to this question

The 'diamond of discipleship' is a book

Our aim is to help you make disciples

The meaning of this book – and the accessory website platform – is to give a ‘framework’. A map that gives direction. Lines we can think along. Of course the result will be different for every situation, but the underlying ideas are the same.

I invite you to go on a journey. To discover together. To travel back in time until we can look the Master – the disciple maker himself – in the eyes and learn from the way He did it. To be changed in our thought patterns and make solid steps into ways we can live this to the fullest.

I invite you to look at this book that you hold in your hands as a workbook. To turn more pages, go back again, and make notes. To disagree – or maybe totally agree. To add to, apply, and make specific.


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The 'front' of the diamond:

In "the diamond of discipleship", the front represents the size of the group in which our relationships take place. A relationship starts with two people. One to one. The smallest relationship, I would say. But of course relationships take place in other group sizes.

Think for example of a family, or your colleagues at work. And when you visit an event, you are together with a lot of people. Because discipleship is the great commission of the church (or the gathering of Christ), we will talk about the relationships involved in this. We talk about relationships on three levels:

  • The big gathering (100> people)
  • The house group (about 10 people)
  • The one-on-one relationship (ahem, that is 2 people obviously;-))

The 'top' of the diamond

In "the diamond of discipleship", the top represents the different dominions where we were constructed as human beings. The most tangible dominion is of course the physical – we are humans of flesh and blood. But we are much more than that. We are spiritual beings.

Someone said that we have a hole in ourselves that can only be filled by God, and more specifically, by His son Jesus. We are spiritual. And in this list also belongs the emotional and educational or rational dimension.

In part 2, we will discuss these different dominions

  • The Spiritual dimension
  • The Emotional dimension
  • The Physical dimension
  • The Rational dimension

Are you in?

The diamond of discipleship is a project that is aimed to help churches. The materials and tools that have been developed all aim for that, but they are not finished. Just like a diamond does have many facets this diamond of discipleship can have a lot more.

Training & Inspiration

Our aim to help you. To train. We like to come close. To talk. To pray. Walk alongside and explore together how we can put Jesus command into practice better given the situation that you’re in. When we think ‘training’ we think like a general training but it can also be in depth.

Church training journey

We offer churches a journey where we help implement these concepts. Over a period of about 4-6 months we journey through a series of phases where we look for change not on a surface-level, but much more on a deeper, heart level. 


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